I've always been a lover of filofax. I used them for years during school and university.
What I didn't like about them were the metal thing in the middle, as I always had troubles, when writing on the left page. I also never really knew how to keep the used pages, so it's always been kind of a mess.
Fortunatelly I found the
RoterFaden, 100% made in Germany! It's quite pricy and I struggled with myself for quite a long time, but at the end I bought one. :) More than 2 years ago and I still love it! :)
The idea is just genius! The great click system allows you to use whatever notebook, calendar, journal or paper you want for your individual setup.
So this is how I use my RoterFaden currently....
The main parts
First clip - My journal calendar I've already shown you in the last
Second clip - My blog and project organization.
Every month I make an overview of the monthly project theme, write down a list of the todos and register when I publish a post via sticky notes.
On this page I organize my posts. I got this great idea from
this youtube filofax organization video. On the upper section I write down post ideas on sticky notes. If I'm in the middle of doing the post ((f) I took pictures for the post, (t) I wrote the text for the post), I move the sticky note to the lower section. If I'm done with everything, (f) and (t), I can move the sticky note to the weekly overview to decide on which day to publish the post.
You think that' too organized? ;) I would love to do my posts more freely, but I have a fulltime job and in the winter I only can take pictures on the weekend. So the organization helps me to keep blogging. ;)
In this notebook I also like to write down project ideas, like new stamp designs or things I want to crochet, knit or sew (see the other tabs).
Third clip - A notebook for personal stuff, like general and longterm todos, list of easy-to-make (low carb) recipes, gift ideas for family and friends, my ultimate wishlist, book recommendations, blogs and shops I love, a general packing list etc..
So this was part 1 of my RoterFaden! I would love to hear about how you oganize your calendars, journals or blog posts. :)