Sep 10, 2012

How I organize our travels

I have given this a lot of thought! And it took me quite long to find a good solution for us. This is how I ended up doing our travel journals, but I'm still not sure if this is the ultimate solution. But it works. At least till now. :)
If you have a good way of documenting your travels please let me know! :)

I love the idea of "project life"! I love the layout and the easy way of "scrapbooking". But I think for a travel journal the size of the albums are too big and they're also not that cheap.
So what I did is to use the idea of a given layout for designing our travel journals. But instead of using those cool photo pocket pages, I just use a predefined layout and glue the pictures, tickets and snippets at predefined places.

This is a page of my idea book with all the possible layouts and a sample page of one travel journal I started but didn't finish yet!:

So I basically do this:

During the journey
1. Document every single day (preferrably on a laptop)
2. Collect every ticket, map etc. for every day

Back at home
1. Write full texts based on the documentations
2. Decide how to layout the page by considering the written texts, the collected travel material and the taken pictures
3. Print pictures
4. Put everything together

The final really lovely thing we do since our last vacation is to write one postcard to ourselves. Both of us write down a little text on the same postcard and we are not allowed to read each other's text. From our vacation spot we send this postcard and it is so exciting when the postcard arrives back home. Reading the written texts together is so fun and quite often you read about things you totally forgot. :D

How do you organize your travel memories? Do you make travel journals or do you collect all the pictures in an album?


  1. Bis jetzt kam alles in eine Kiste :/ Das ist natürlich nicht so das Optimale und ich wollte nun auch endlich anfangen zu scrapbooken.

    Aber kaum ist man aus dem Urlaub wieder zurück, hat einen der stressige Alltag wieder :(

    1. Das kenn ich nur allzu gut!! :( Egal, wie sehr man es sich vornimmt, irgendwie schafft man es nie...:( Hoffentlich schaff ich zumindest eins der Reisetagebuch diesen Monat. :)
      Kannst ja mitmachen und auch eins diesen Monat fertig machen. ;)
      Liebe Grüße!


i'm happy about every comment! :) thanks a lot! <3