Oct 7, 2012

October project: Remaining things...

I gave a lot of thought into what my next monthly project could be. I love the start of a new month. There is so much energy, motivation and anticipation of how the next month is going to turn out. :) :)

I decided that in October I will concentrate on all the remaining crafty things I have on my imaginary and always growing todo list for decades, but never find the time to do! The year is going to end soon and in November and December I'm going to be busy with preparations for christmas, so this is my last chance to get some things done this year. ;)

Oh, by the way, I'm mainly talking about little things, which can be done in a short time, nothing big. And everything which relate to being creative, like writing some snail mail and preparing swaps, decorating our little home, ending a yarn craft project or ordering material I want to order since months.

Every time I do something out of the list, I'm going to show it to you. :) And my goal is to do as many things as possible. :)

I'm not sure if this is going to be a good project. But we'll see...:) What do you think of it?


  1. I think it sounds like a good plan! Have a happy time creating! :)

  2. lovely house !!! and also the idea of monthly projects :) nice blog! anastasia from munich :)

  3. Liebes, ich will auch basteln, ich brauche Inspirationen... Ich freue mich auf alles was kommt. :-)

    1. Hihi, ich sag nur Pinterest! ;) Wir sehen uns ja bald wieder, da können wir dann Ideen austauschen! :D


i'm happy about every comment! :) thanks a lot! <3