Oct 1, 2012

Travel journal update

Wow, it's already October! Time has flown, as always! :)

I just wanted to keep you updated on my travel journals.

I almost finished the Reutte travel journal yesterday (so still in September, yay! :D). One problem that occurred was that some pictures of our trip are missing. Basically all pictures I took with our small camera. So today I have to start looking for them, hoping we didn't lost them somehow...

I still have to develop all pictures (as soon as I find the missing ones), which will take a while. But as I've finished the entire layout, there isn't much to do, just glueing the picture to their right places.

So here is a little peek at the journal (cover's still missing too).

I realized that my system for travel journaling works perfect for me! It's so easy to put a page together. As you see, I didn't try to make fancy pages. No stickers, no extra drawings. When I include the final pictures, I'm sure I will decorate the pages a little, but I like to keep it that simple. :)

And I haven't started with our Sicily journal yet, but I prepared a lot: Wrote all the texts during our vacation and collected and sorted every memorable snippet! So putting everything together won't be such a big deal, I guess. :)

As soon as I finish the two travel journals (hopefully on Wednesday, as it's an official holiday in Germany), I will tell you about my October project! :)


  1. What, you just traveled to Sicily?! I live there! We live in a little town outside Catania. My husband's stationed there for 3 years, and we're loving the Italian life. Hope you had a wonderful time there!

    1. Oh, that's so cool! :)
      The first six days we were in Riposto (and visited e.g. Taormina and Acireale, but sadly not Catania), the last 4 days we stayed near Palermo. We lived in two Agriturismo accomodations, which was so lovely! :) And the food was soooo great! :) :)

  2. die bücherdiebin ist das nächste buch, dass ich lesen will. ;) so ein travel journal sollte ich auch mal anlegen, auf meiner nächsten reise, aber ich vergesse sowas immer zu führen. ;)

    1. Das Buch ist super toll, bin gespannt, ob es dir gefällt! :)
      Ich hab das jetzt auf zwei Reisen geschafft zu führen. Man muss sich halt ein wenig zwingen, aber es lohnt sich, weil man kaum etwas vergisst, wenn man's sofort aufschreibt! :)

  3. I always loved to have travel journals too! They keep so many great memories!

    1. It's indeed a wonderful thing to do. :) I'm so motivated to finish all of our travel journals some day! :)


i'm happy about every comment! :) thanks a lot! <3